Prayer Cloth Ministry

Our Prayer Cloth Ministry was started in the Spring of 2014 by the Women’s Fellowship Group. Several members were inspired by the church’s vision of being a house of prayer and similar ministries in other churches. As the Women’s Fellowship Group is making these cloths, they are praying for the ultimate recipient of cloth, unknown to the crafter, but known to God, who will be the ultimate recipient.

These hand-crafted prayer cloths are given out to those in need of physical or spiritual healing, as well as those celebrating a milestone, including a baptism or graduation.

We have several colors of prayer cloths which have different meanings. They are as follows:

  • Red = Energy, Strength, Power, Determination, Love
  • Pink = Joy, Friendship, Feminity
  • Brown = Stability, Masculinity
  • Orange = Happiness, Success, Encouragement, Endurance
  • Gold = Illumination, Wisdom
  • Yellow = Cheerfulness, Energy, Joy, Confidence
  • Green (pictured above) = Healing, Harmony, Safety, Hope, Protection, Peace
  • Blue = Stability, Trust, Loyalty, Faith, Truth, Tranquility
  • Purple = Wisdom, Dignity, Independence, Creativity
  • White = Goodness, Purity, Innocence, Faith, Safety, Light

If you are in need of a prayer cloth or know of someone who can use the blessings of a prayer cloth, please call our church office at 201-843-6672